Lisa Wehr's Public Health Blog

Lisa is originally from Sigourney, Iowa. She attended Iowa State University and received her bachelor’s degree in Music in 2010. She is currently a first year Master’s of Public Health (MPH) student in community and behavioral health (CBH). Lisa works on the medicine-psychiatry unit at the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics (UIHC). Through this blog Lisa hopes to let people learn about the CBH department.

This student blog is unedited and does not necessarily reflect the views of the College of Public Health or the University of Iowa.

06 August 2012

What I've Been Watching

I will write a more in-depth post on my school/practicum in a few days. For now, I want to share these wonderful items with you all:

First, I love seeing health data presented in a beautiful and understandable (to lay-people) way. Particularly when that health data is personalized. Through Twitter I stumbled across this TEDMED video of Thomas Goetz speaking about the importance of presentation in health as well as some redesigns of how to present test results to patients.

Goetz/Wired Magazine's redesigns can be found here:

This video led me to the work of some researchers at Dartmouth who came up with a different way to present health and drug statistics. You can check that out here:

It looks like a nutrition facts label...with drug statistics:

So many people doing such neat things. Now practice needs to start catching up to research