This topic has it’s own page because I believe it is useful not only for current and prospective students, but for anyone who comes upon this blog with the ultimate question of “what is public health?” and “what do people with a public health degree do?”
This is Public Health
What is Public Health?
American Public Health Association
CDC: Careers in Public Health
NYDH: Careers in Public Health
Public Health Jobs
I would also highly suggest checking out my "News" post, which provides a lengthy list of the public health tweeters I follow to keep up to date on careers and research and what not.
Lisa Wehr's Public Health Blog
Lisa is originally from Sigourney, Iowa. She attended Iowa State University and received her bachelor’s degree in Music in 2010. She is currently a first year Master’s of Public Health (MPH) student in community and behavioral health (CBH). Lisa works on the medicine-psychiatry unit at the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics (UIHC). Through this blog Lisa hopes to let people learn about the CBH department.
This student blog is unedited and does not necessarily reflect the views of the College of Public Health or the University of Iowa.