Study Hacks: Written by Cal Newport, a postdoc at MIT (he started the site when he was still working on his PhD).
Study Hacks is built around the concept that success and stress do not have to go together. He gives great advice for everyone, from high school to graduate school and beyond. There are hundreds of posts in the archives and he has also published three books on the subject. I haven't read the books, but they're on my list.
This is like a database of.....well, everything. My brilliant younger brother introduced it to me. Want to know about benzene, calculate the interest on a loan, compute a pediatric trachial tube size? This is the site for you.
Free Tax Filing: TurboTax, CompleteTax, H&R Block
These sites aren't really new to me, but they are particularly useful this time of year. The first time I had to file taxes I picked up the paper version and was terrified. Take this number from line 10C subtract it from line 27A, add line 437Z, and divide by line 9432AA. Never fear, these programs tell you exactly which forms you need to have, break it down into simple steps, and suggest deductions. And you can file your federal taxes for free if you make less than $58,000 (which most of us students do). If you want to pay a little more, it will also file state returns and allow returns with itemized deductions.
Research Subjects
Are you in Iowa City and looking to make a few extra bucks? Are you willing to let researchers poke and prod you and do some tests? (This past fall I made $500 for just a few hours of my time)
This might be the point where "useful" ends...
QR Code Generator
I'm not sure what I would ever use this for, but it's still pretty neat. It makes 2D barcodes the can be read by smartphones.
Personality Tests
Just in case you don't know who you are yet...
A network that helps you find a "couch" to sleep on wherever you are traveling in the world.
Digital Photography Tips
I do a lot of photography, so I do find this to be rather interesting.
On an unrelated note....some of my music professors from Iowa State (the Ames Piano Quartet) played today at the University Hospital. It was good to see/hear them again.
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