Lisa Wehr's Public Health Blog

Lisa is originally from Sigourney, Iowa. She attended Iowa State University and received her bachelor’s degree in Music in 2010. She is currently a first year Master’s of Public Health (MPH) student in community and behavioral health (CBH). Lisa works on the medicine-psychiatry unit at the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics (UIHC). Through this blog Lisa hopes to let people learn about the CBH department.

This student blog is unedited and does not necessarily reflect the views of the College of Public Health or the University of Iowa.

15 February 2011

Another Week

How did I miss my Monday blogging date? My sincerest apologies. 

My weekend was fairly uneventful. I did homework, slept, visited my parents/little brother, slept some more, went to a meeting for my homeowner's association (somehow got elected to the board of directors?!), returned to sleeping, and did a little more homework. 

And I enjoyed the weather. It's been above freezing for a few days now! The snow is melting, which does make mornings slightly difficult as it all refreezes into ice. I made the "mistake" of taking Zephyr on a long walk on Sunday. Walks energize him and I had to suffer through the rest of the day as he obnoxiously stared at me and barked, threw toys in my face, dropped toys on my laptop, dropped tennis balls off the couch, squeaked squeakers next to my ears, and chewed bones on my lap. 

I worked yesterday; I work again today; I work overnights this weekend. 

That pretty much sums up my life: school, sleep, Zephyr, work, repeat.

You should also check me out in the CPH news digest.

My favorite part of this article is that the writer uses the word gander in the intro paragraph. I'm a sucker for vocabulary.

Some of it is stuff you could glean from my blog, but there's some unique stuff as well.


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